Wednesday, Dec. 6 • 7PM • Worship Center Bethlehem cradled our Lord at His birth, but it is more than a historical locale. The town of Bethlehem is a powerful metaphor for the Christian heart. Explore with Mary Borges the significance and symbolism of this little town as it relates to our human hearts and
On Christmas Day, we gather with our families to celebrate the birth of our Savior. There will be no service Christmas morning. We invite you to attend our Christmas Eve Service on December 24th, where we will enjoy a special night of worship by candlelight.
Save the date! Join us on Thursday, December 2nd, at 7:00 pm, for our Benchmark Women’s Ministry Christmas Party. We’ll sing a cappella Christmas carols, enjoy dessert and fellowship, and hear a special message about the gifts of the Magi. Don’t miss this opportunity to lay aside the business of the season and focus your
Sunday, Dec 12 • 5:30 – 8:30 pm • Worship Center Save the date! We are excited to celebrate the birth of Christ together in our new building. This will be for all adults, and teens 9th grade and older. We will share a meal, play games, and enjoy fellowship in this annual event that