•   We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and stages of the journey. Teaching will be followed by discussion. Childcare is provided. Registration for

  •   There could not be a better way to start the new year than with worship! We are back to our normal Sunday schedule, but with a special family service: Babies and toddlers, ages 4 mos. – 24 mos. are welcome to check into KIDS. All other children are encouraged to attend the service with

  • We are excited to celebrate the birth of Jesus together in our annual Christmas Eve service! This is a family night—no childcare available so that everyone can be included. The KIDS area will be available for parents to be with children if necessary. There will be no Sunday morning service on Christmas Day.

  • A walk-through event for the whole family.

  • Calling all 4th & 5th graders! Join us for a night of friends, games, and food at the church. The event is free and open to friends. We’ll get the hot dogs, but would love some help with dinner extras. Also, this is a drop-off event, but we need 1 more parent chaperones for the

  • November 13 from 6-8 p.m. Mark your calendars for the next 4th & 5th hangout! We’ll be working on a service project to help with KIDS Christmas Outreach, as well as eating and playing games. Sign up here!