Saturday, Feb. 11 • 6-8PM It’s time to get our 4th & 5th graders together for pizza and games! Find all the details right here!
NEW START DATE DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER: Feb. 9th Begins Thursday, Feb. 9 • 7:00-8:30PM We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and
We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and stages of the journey. Teaching will be followed by discussion. Childcare is provided. Registration for
We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and stages of the journey. Teaching will be followed by discussion. Childcare is provided. Registration for
We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and stages of the journey. Teaching will be followed by discussion. Childcare is provided. Registration for
We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and stages of the journey. Teaching will be followed by discussion. Childcare is provided. Registration for
We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and stages of the journey. Teaching will be followed by discussion. Childcare is provided. Registration for
We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and stages of the journey. Teaching will be followed by discussion. Childcare is provided. Registration for
We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and stages of the journey. Teaching will be followed by discussion. Childcare is provided. Registration for
We are excited to offer a reprisal of this vital class, now in an evening time slot. Please join Elizabeth Vinson and Nan Pastusek as they instruct us in the timeless biblical principles of parenting for all ages and stages of the journey. Teaching will be followed by discussion. Childcare is provided. Registration for