Learn more about Women’s Ministry

Benchmark women are sisters in Christ, walking this journey of faith together through His own grace and life-giving power. Our prayer is to see women growing in love for God and for one another through biblical teaching, prayer, fellowship, and opportunities for digging deep into the Word of God. We meet regularly for weekly Bible studies and Grace Groups. We also have several opportunities throughout the year for special events, retreats, and conferences designed to draw us closer to Christ and to one another.

“So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” – Ephesians 3:17-19

Women’s Ministry Director

Mary Borges

Mary Borges is the women’s ministry director at Benchmark. One of her greatest joys is hearing about the work of the Lord in the lives of women. Mary received her B.S. in psychology from Oklahoma City University in 1992 and her M.S.Ed. In deaf education from the University of Kansas in 1994. Mary taught early childhood deaf education in Fort Worth and Denton ISD for 6 years before staying home to raise her family. Mary and Mitchell have an adult son, Nathan, who has autism, and two teenagers, Anna and Aaron. Before coming to Benchmark, Mary was the Executive Director of The Little Light House-Denton, a non-profit ministry that served young children with disabilities and their families and pointed them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Mary has served in women’s ministry at Benchmark since 2013 and was hired in 2020 as our Women’s Ministry Director. Mary enjoys facilitating Bible studies, hosting fellowship with family and friends, laughing and playing games, story-telling and children’s literature, and searching for garage sale treasures.


The women of Benchmark have weekly, monthly, and yearly events for the purpose of community, prayer, and discipleship. Mentoring programs are also available. Email Mary Borges or call at (940) 390-0548 for more information.

Women’s Upcoming Events

Women’s Upcoming Events

Women’s Upcoming Events