Learn more about KIDS Ministry
Benchmark KIDS exists to provide children the opportunity to build Christ-centered relationships as they learn from the Bible and grow in their love for Jesus. Our goal is to come alongside parents in support of their God-given calling to teach and train their children in the ways of the Lord. Our earnest prayer is to nurture a community of young disciples who walk with Jesus, share Him with others, and thrive as vital members within the Body of Christ.
But Jesus said, “Leave the children alone, and do not forbid them to come to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”– Matthew 19:14

First Time Guests
Welcome to Benchmark! Each Sunday at 9 am and 11 am, we provide classroom teaching to all children ages 4 months through 5th grade. Our lessons are Bible-based, age-appropriate, and planned for the growth and development of your child.
If you prefer for your child to join you in the main worship service, we provide KIDS bags and sermon notes pages at the Welcome Center in the foyer. Pick one up on your way in!
As you walk in the front door, visit our KIDS Welcome Center straight through the foyer. One of our team members will greet you, guide you through the check-in process, and can help you find your child’s classroom. As a first time guest, if you would like to preregister your children please fill out this form for ease of first time check in.
Preschool activities are open to children ages 4 months through 5 years. We provide a safe and welcoming environment for your child to learn and grow, as well as a safe place to make friends. We offer Sunday classroom learning and worship. We would love the opportunity to care for your child as we nurture their young heart and mind. Please contact Kate Alfred (Infant – Kinder) with any questions.
Grade School
Kinder-5th grade is a time of energy, learning, and personal growth. On Sundays we provide a fun learning environment where Jesus is center stage and the Bible is within reach. Grades meet in their classrooms for activities and Bible time, as well as joining in with large group learning and KIDS worship. Outside of church, we host events to help families connect, to help students grow in relationships, and to serve in the community and meet our neighbors. Please contact Kendra Higgins with any questions or to get connected.
Kinder-5th grade is a time of energy, learning, and personal growth. On Sundays we provide a fun learning environment where Jesus is center stage and the Bible is within reach. Grades meet in their classrooms for activities and Bible time, as well as joining in with large group learning and KIDS worship. Outside of church, we host events to help families connect, to help students grow in relationships, and to serve in the community and meet our neighbors. Please contact Kendra Higgins with any questions or to get connected.